In House tools
We have experience with a lot of finite element analysis (FEA) packges. In house we have licenses for FEMAP and Ansys. FEMAP is a powerful pre- and post processor, which can communicate with other finite element solvers like ANSYS and CEAFEM. It can read CAD files from programs like CATIA, Pro engineer, Solid edge and AutoCAD. It is able to read step and IGES files for importing geometry.
We can assist with the following software:
- FEMAP & NX nastran including licences for:
- Basic linear & non linear
- Adina (sol 601 and 701)
- Mathcad
We have experience with Ansys Enterprise including:
- Aqwa
- Spaceclaim
- Durability
- Wave hydronamics
- Vibrations
In house developed programs
For specific analysis problems we have our own solution to speed-up the post processing phase.
Examples are:
- Ed’s laminator for fible laminated composites;
- Extract FEM Report for fatigue spectrum problems;
- FEMDS.COM software to for speed-up of pre- and post-processing of Finite Element Analyses;